Zack Snyder Says 'Man Of Steel 2' Is 'Batman V Superman'

There's been a lot of speculation about Man of Steel 2when it's coming, who's directing it, what it's about, whether it's happening at all. Now director Zack Snyder has spoken up to clarify that yes, he is making a Man of Steel sequel — and it's titled Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Read the Zack Snyder Man of Steel 2 Batman v Superman comments after the jump. 


Snyder addressed the Man of Steel 2 question in a chat with Canoe.

I think in a way Batman v Superman is Man of Steel 2. Justice League is kind of the transcendent, knights-of-the-round-table of the story. It'd be interesting to think about what a standalone Superman movie might be.

His response makes sense. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice directly addresses events seen in Man of Steel, as we've seen in the trailers, and it's clear that Henry Cavill's Superman plays a very significant role in the movie. Even the main villain is a classic Superman baddie — Lex Luthor, played by Jesse Eisenberg.

But for fans eager to see another Superman solo outing, Snyder's comments aren't very encouraging. Snyder himself has acknowledged there's more Batman than Superman in Batman v Superman. And while his reasoning made sense (basically, we need more time to catch up with Bats because we haven't met him yet), it suggests a two-hander or an ensemble drama, rather than a true Superman sequel.


Cavill would probably disagree with Snyder, too. "As far as the individual character is concerned, this is not a Superman sequel," the actor said of Batman v Superman back in July. At the time, he added, "There's plenty of time for individual Superman sequels." But Snyder, at least, seems more focused on Justice League than another Superman movie.

Oh, and speaking of the Justice League, Snyder spoke in broad strokes about his plans for DC's iconic stable of heroes:

We really have to figure out the why of them. And I think that we have. That's the one thing that's cool to me about Batman v Superman, it's all about the mythology of these two massive icons. And I think that's compelling.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens March 25, 2016. Snyder will then move into the two Justice League movies, due out in 2017 and 2019.

