Superhero Bits: Man Of Steel 2, The Avengers, The Wolverine, Iron Man, Arrow, Amazing Spider-Man
Is there any way Man of Steel 2 could be in theaters next year? Want to see the new poster for Red 2 and read the tracklist for The Wolverine soundtrack? What do The Avengers and Daft Punk have in common? Did David Goyer comment on the collateral damage in Man of Steel? What did Bryan Singer say about rebooting in X-Men: Days of Future Past? How did Robert Downey Jr. disappoint an Iron Man fan? Read about all this and more in today's Superhero Bits.
Comic Book Movie posted this new poster from Red 2.The Wall Street Journal reports Man of Steel 2 could be here as soon as 2014. That seems unlikely.
People Magazine, via Nerd Approved, posted this photo of Robert Downey Jr. comforting a small child who thought he was going to meet Iron Man.David Goyer spoke to Bleeding Cool about the collateral damage in Man of Steel.
One of the things we were hoping to depict is that Superman is not a god. We say he's a god-like figure but he's not omnipotent. Even in the comic books he cannot save everyone. I think people die [in Metropolis]. Clearly hundreds if not thousands of people have died while the gravity machines are going off. There were probably even people who died in Smallville.
When you're dealing with a threat like this, there will be collateral damage. This is something that hadn't been depicted in comic book films is what it would be like if these powerful figures did clash, if The Hulk and Thor fought, people would probably die. Particularly in this case where Zod and the Kryptonians really don't care if people die. I think people died and I'm sure that upsets some people.
Jaimie Alexander confirms Thor: The Dark World reshoots are currently underway.
Speaking to Bleeding Cool, David Goyer described some problems inherent in Man of Steel 2 (spoilers for Man of Steel here):
We were able to sidestep the issue of the ludicrous glasses disguise in this film but going forwards, we're going to find ourselves in a sticky wicket. Zack and I have definitely talked about "Okay, hmm, this will be interesting." Clearly Perry White and Steve Lombard see Lois kissing Superman at the end of the film. Perry's not an idiot. Moving forward, he's probably going to say to Lois "What's up with that?" We're definitely going to have to go through some story gymnastics.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.
Film Music Reporter wrote about Marco Beltrami's Wolverine soundtrack. Some of the track listings include "Logan's Run" and "The Hidden Fortress."
Now that Man of Steel is out, here are 10 things the Internet got wrong about it via Film School Rejects. (What, no Africa mention?)
Marco Gorb (via CBM) took this photo of Chris Evans while filming The Avengers.
Speaking to SFX via Comic Book Movie, Bryan Singer talked about rebooting the X-Men into a bigger world with X-Men: Days of Future Past:
I've basically rebooted the universe twice already, in that I booted it up once with X-Men and then rebooted it with First Class. I'm very keenly interested in exploring the X-Men universe in the same way that Marvel have done with the Avengers. It's an enormous universe and not just in the issues that it confronts. A lot of Marvel's famous characters have already been used but there's still a few left. DC have got some as well; the Justice League film is going to be a monster!
The first season of Arrow hits Blu-ray September 17.
Still want more Superman in your life? Maybe even in your body? That's Nerdalicious has some Superman themed drinks.
Composer Henry Jackman spoke to Film.Music.Media (via CBM) about scoring Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Go to 19:44 for that.
More David Goyer. Ain't It Cool News posted the first of a two part interview talking about Man of Steel.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the third page of Superhero Bits.
Here's a cool piece of fan art by Phil Postma (via CBM) of Mr. Incredible as Superman.
Screencrush has 10 things you may not have known about Superman movies.
"Lucky" sounds like "Loki" in this Avengers/Daft Punk remix, via Hollywood Reporter.
Another trade, Variety, posted its choices for 10 worst Hollywood superhero moments.
Gizmodo found these insane custom Nikes made to look like Iron Man.
The official Man of Steel mobile game is now out and App Advice has all the info.
Here's just one of several unused Amazing Spider-Man images unearthed by Frank Ock Photography (via CBM).
NOTE: Superhero Bits will be off until Thursday as I'll be out of town.