Movies - TV
La’an’s Inherited Augmentations In Star Trek: Strange New World’s Explained
The episode, entitled “Ad Astra Per Aspera,” of “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds” reveals that Commander Una Chin-Riley (Rebecca Romijn) lied about her species and genetic status.
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In Trek lore, genetic alteration has been banned in the Federation since the Eugenics Wars, posing trouble not only for Chin-Riley but also Lieutenant La’an Noonien-Singh.
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La’an bears the same genetic enhancements as her grandfather, Khan Noonien-Singh, and despite inheriting the trait from birth, La’an could be in legal trouble with the Federation.
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While the issue of genetic manipulation has always been present, “Enterprise” revealed that the enhanced individuals were the result of several generations of men named Soong.
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In the series, Dr. Noonien Soong’s ancestor Arik had fully implemented an intergenerational gene manipulation project stemming from Khan and the Eugenics Wars.
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Arik aimed to create superbeings, even implanting Klingons with altered human DNA to make them stronger. His actions illustrated why altered genetics were banned.
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In Season 2 of “Picard,” the crew travels back in time and encounters Dr. Adam Soong, who had continued Arik’s genetic experiments to create the “perfect being.”
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After his lab is destroyed, Adam finds a file detailing the Khan Project. This revelation indicates that the Soong’s are responsible for creating Khan.
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La’an was never genetically modified, but she still carries her grandfather’s augmentations. She may not face any trouble, as she hasn’t hidden who she is.
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