Guillermo del Toro and James Cameron (Photo by Gregg DeGuire/WireImage)
Movies - TV
James Cameron Has A 'Secret Film Club' With Steven Spielberg And Guillermo Del Toro
Friends are a vital part of life, especially for creative types who can use their support system to help formulate new ideas and perspectives for their projects. The benefits of having comrades in a cut-throat field like the entertainment industry are no more evident than the recently unveiled friendship that James Cameron, Guillermo del Toro, and Steven Spielberg share.
While none of the directors publicly hid their friendship, “Avatar: The Way of Water” star Jamie Flatters revealed some details about the three giants of the filmmaking industry’s kinship. Flatters shared, “I know [Guillermo del Toro], Jim, and Spielberg all have a secret film club. [...] They’re friends. They visit the set and they talk about creative ideas.”
Although it’s doubtful that the filmmakers hang out in their pajamas, exchanging notes with one another after a night of movies and popcorn, it’s refreshing to hear about this kind of camaraderie in the entertainment industry. Many writers, directors, and actors who tend to look out for their self-interest could learn about the benefits of cooperation from these three.