Kang stares in the distance
Movies - TV
Doctor Doom Could Replace Jonathan Majors’ Kang In The MCU
Ever since the disturbing allegations swirling around Jonathan Majors first broke, Kevin Feige and fellow MCU executives have had to start considering other options.
The main options are doing nothing (which hasn't worked out so far), recasting, or pivoting away from Kang completely and relying on another supervillain to pick up the slack.
According to a Variety report, one such backup plan was discussed. Considering the characters currently available to Marvel, villains like Doctor Doom could be in the offing.
While Doctor Doom is generally an enemy of the Fantastic Four, he has tussled with every major Marvel superhero at one point or another.
He's certainly a top-tier choice, especially since the film rights to Doom used to belong to 20th Century Fox and have now made their way back home to Marvel.
Doctor Doom has always felt like a secret weapon that Marvel Studios has been waiting to deploy at just the right moment, and this could be the moment.