Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner
Movies - TV
Blade Runner’s Rutger Hauer Improvised One Of Its Most Profound Lines
Rutger Hauer's portrayal of the character Roy Batty in the sci-fi film "Blade Runner" gave rise to a legendary improvised monologue that remains iconic in cinematic history.
Contrary to popular belief, the famously given final monologue in Blade Runner wasn't entirely improvised; however, he significantly edited the script for emotional resonance.
Hauer's contribution to the script, particularly the iconic line "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain," deeply enriched the film.
However, much of the monologue existed until Hauer made some spontaneous, poetic edits. As Hauer told the Radio Times, "I think a lot of scripts are overwritten."
He cut over 200 words out, stating, "It comes out of a robot who's running out of f*****g electricity." The actor was confused why a robot would express "'I am dying.'"
Although it took Hauer some time to persuade the director, he said Ridley Scott eventually agreed, stating, "'Yeah, you're right. Die quickly and don't bore the audience.'"