'Avengers: Infinity War': Stan Lee Teases Major, Crowd-Pleasing New Character

Stan Lee has never shied away from an opportunity to get fans hyped about a Marvel project, whether it was the comics he used to write and edit in his legendary days as the company's editor in chief or an upcoming movie from Marvel Studios. Now the 94-year-old comics magnate is at it again, teasing fans about a new character who will apparently be introduced in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War.MovieWeb points us to a site called Gamezone, where one of its writers recently attended a Q&A with Lee in Des Moines, Iowa and learned the following information about Avengers Infinity War:

It was also hinted at that a major new character will appear in Avengers: Infinity War. When asked if he could give us any details, his assistant whispered in his ear and told him he can't discuss it in-depth. He said that a new character (maybe even multiple) would appear and it would please the fans.

Assuming this report is accurate, it's important to remember that A) Lee is 94 and B) he's not actively involved with production (aside from his cameos) or attending meetings with Kevin Feige and the Marvel Studios brass, so there's the very real chance that even if he did say these things, he might be misinformed.

There's another alternative: Lee may be referring to information we already know. For example, Brie Larson's Captain Marvel will make her debut in Infinity War, and that's certainly something that will please fans. Lee could simply be referring to Larson's appearance, and he might not know the extent to which that's common knowledge among Marvel movie fans.

Some people instantly assume that the new character will be Adam Warlock (who was teased at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2), but director James Gunn told us that the character would not appear in Infinity War and would instead be a major player in Guardians Vol. 3. Gunn has never lied to the fans, and I don't think he'd sacrifice his integrity to preserve a surprise, especially for a movie he's not even directing.


Then again, Lee is a master showman, so maybe the crowd-pleasing new character he's talking about is just him in a yet another cameo role and he was exaggerating the extent to which the part is "major." After all, one of the post-credits scenes in Guardians Vol. 2 confirmed that he's a significant figure in the MCU.

Any other guesses for who Lee might be referring to here? If not we'll find out next summer when Avengers: Infinity War arrives in theaters on May 4, 2018.

