Mail Bag: Favorite Genre, Disney Channel Movies, Emotional Films, Steelbook Blu-Rays

On the October 4, 2018 episode of /Film Daily, /Film editor-in-chief Peter Sciretta is joined by /Film weekend editor Brad Oman, and writers Hoai-Tran Bui and Chris Evangelista to answer some questions in the Mail Bag.You can subscribe to /Film Daily on iTunes, Google Play, Overcast, Spotify and all the popular podcast apps (here is the RSS URL if you need it).

Opening Banter: HT is away but magically joining us through the power of a previously recorded show.In The Mail Bag:

  • Mike S asks "What is your favorite genre and favorite sub genre?"
  • Peter: Big Event movies? If not maybe Sci-fi, Coming of Age drama/dramedy
  • Chris: Horror & Stephen King adaptations
  • HT: Lush fantasy/sci-fi that speak to the inherent goodness of humanity; sub-genre maybe fairy tale
  • Brad: Comedy for overall genre, and comedies that are self-aware and meta, sometimes parodies, but not always
  • Kolin from San José, CA writes in "What are some of your top Disney Channel Original movies from the 1990s?"
  • Peter didn't really watch many of the 90's ones but did watch a couple 80's ones: The Parent Trap II more times than he cares to admit, and Not Quite Human
  • Chris: Mr. Boogedy
  • HT: Smart House, Halloweentown, High School Musical (2000's)
  • Brad: was a Nickelodeon kid.
  • Peter suggested there should be a zombie movie with baby zombies, James W wrote in "Closest thing I can think of to a zombie killer kids movie is this 2008 film The Children. I actually remember it being pretty fun."
  • Chris have you seen it and gives his opinion.
  • Nicholas E from Chicago Heights, IL writes in "Hey guys, I was wondering which movies provoke a great emotional response for you. Whether it be something that makes you feel happy, sad, angry, etc. as long as it makes you feel something great. Keep up the good work, I'm a big fan of the show."
  • Peter is a sucker for crying in movies, E.T.
  • Chris says  E.T. is a big one as well, and most Spielberg movies in general; and Lord of the Rings, specifically Fellowship of the Ring.
  • HT cries over every movie that gives her hope, as well as transportative, bittersweet romances: A Little Princess, Bridge to Terabithia, Call Me By Your Name
  • Brad: Movies with troubled or (almost) unrequited romance always pull at my heart strings. Eternal Sunshine. Sleeping with Other People. Like Crazy. Before Sunrise Trilogy.
  • Andrew Haynes, from St Ives, Cambridgeshire UK writes in: "Hi Peter and friends,  Really enjoyed your discussion on physical vs digital media. I started out with VHS and even Betamax back in the day, then it was Laserdisc, DVD and now bluray 4k.  Whilst I'm resigned to the fact that one day physical media may die, I still think the picture and sound quality of bluray will always be better than digital download / streaming.  I'm also a fan of special features and commentary tracks. Also, a couple of years ago I started collecting Steelbook bluray editions which are often limited runs, have unique and exclusive artwork and usually do not lose their value.  Specialist companies such as Filmarena, Mantalab, Novamedia, Kimchidvd and some others also produce really great editions with art cards, lenticular covers, and other goodies.  Admittedly, some of these editions can be expensive, but they are definitely worth purchasing for your favourite films.  There is clear demand for these special editions too, as they usually sell out within hours of being released! Keep up the great work!"
  • Do any of you collect Steelbooks and what are the coolest ones you own?
  • Brad –  I collect some, but more often than not I don't like the artwork on most Steelbook releases as much as the normal cover art. But two that I have which I really like are Guardians of the Galaxy that looks like Peter Quill's Walkman and Doctor Strange that looks like the Book of the Vishanti
  • Chris – While I'm a huge fan of physical media, I don't actually collect steelbooks.  
  • All the other stuff you need to know:

  • You can find more about all the stories we mentioned on today's show at, and linked inside the show notes.
  • /Film Daily is published every weekday, bringing you the most exciting news from the world of movies and television as well as deeper dives into the great features from
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