'It' Supercut Combining Both Films Would Be 6-Plus Hours; Plans For A Scrapped Post-Credit Scene Revealed

The prospect of an It supercut combining the first film and the upcoming It Chapter Two has already been teased by director Andy Muschietti, and now Muschietti has offered more info on the potential project. According to the filmmaker, he's in early talks with the studio to make it happen – and that the end result would run well over six hours. And while we're on the subject of unused footage: Muschietti also teased a scrapped post-credit scene that he was hoping to include at the end of 2017's It, but was unable to film due to scheduling conflicts.


Andy Muschietti is once again hyping up his potential It supercut, and it sounds like it's really going to happen. Speaking with The Playlist, the filmmaker confirmed a six-and-a-half-hour runtime and said: "We're in early talks with the studio to do it, but my big fantasy is to cut the two movies together and add all of the scenes that were lifted for length purposes in the release."

But that's not all. Muschietti also added that he wants to shoot additional scenes to include in this massive supercut: "So make a big experience of It and also shoot a couple of extra scenes that I'd like to see in this bigger experience. In the age of binging where people just watch series for like 7-8 hours, and they barely notice that they've been spending all that time, this is nothing."


Having now seen It Chapter Two, I can confirm the film stays pretty faithful to Stephen King's novel. In fact, it's even more faithful than the first film. Still, King's book is massive, and there are plenty of smaller character moments that Muschietti might be able to fit back in, schedules of his cast permitting. Speaking of actor schedules, Muschietti revealed that one It Chapter Two cast member's schedule got in the way of a post-credit scene for the first film.

Speaking with the Huffington Post, the filmmaker confirmed that he originally wanted Jessica Chastain, who plays the adult Bev, to have a brief post-credit scene cameo at the end of 2017's It:

"Something a lot of people probably don't know is Chapter One did have the idea to make a post-credit scene, which was Beverly Marsh picking up the phone...So, 27 years later, post credit, you would see a phone ringing. It's an iPhone, so it's impossible that it's 1989, and a hand comes in and the camera wraps around this red-haired back of a head, and we turn around, and it's Jessica Chastain!"

Unfortunately, the scene was never shot due to Chastain's schedule. But thankfully, Chastain was able to take the part of the adult Beverly for the sequel.


It Chapter Two terrifies audiences September 6.

