VOTD: 'Jurassic World' Director Colin Trevorrow's 2002 Short Film 'Home Base'

After Jurassic World raked in over $511 million at the worldwide box office this weekend, it's safe to say that director Colin Trevorrow is now a big time filmmaker. He may not be returning for Jurassic World 2, but he will forever be credited with reinvigorating the Jurassic Park franchise, whether fans are pleased by his work or not.


But before he became an indie sensation turned blockbuster filmmaker, Trevorrow was just another aspiring filmmaker. And thanks to the magic of the internet, we can take a look at some of the director's very early work. Below you can watch Colin Trevorrow's Home Base, a short film he directed back in 2002 when he was 26 years old.

Here's Colin Trevorrow's short film Home Base from his own Vimeo page:

As you can see, the short is nothing like Jurassic World, and it's even far removed from his indie sci-fi comedy Safety Not Guaranteed. It's an adult comedy with a pretty amusing premise, but there's nothing here that would make me think that this guy would go on to direct something like Jurassic World. It's an amateur short film in every sense of the word, and it even feels like cuts and sacrifices were made simply for time. It's not technically perfect, and even for a comedy it has plenty of bumps in how it comes together, but is supposedly was a popular short before going viral was a big thing.


This just goes to show you how dedication and passion over time can lead to great things if you just put the work into it. This film was made over 12 years before Trevorrow would get behind the camera for Jurassic World, and 10 years before his aforementioned indie breakthrough at the Sundance Film Festival in 2012. Over that time, Trevorrow clearly honed his skills and became quite the gifted filmmaker, and it's impressive that he stayed on a path to becoming a professional in the industry. After this weekend, Trevorrow will end up being one whose name audiences are familiar with.

And now that I've seen this shot film, written and directed by Colin Trevorrow, I don't think I would mind seeing him dive into adult comedy again at some point now that he's matured as a filmmaker. Safety Not Guaranteed certainly has some great comedy, but it's not quite as broad or raunchy as this. Maybe Trevorrow doesn't have a desire for this kind of material anymore, but it would be something interesting to see him return to eventually.

For more on Colin Trevorrow, check out our latest interview with the filmmaker right here.

