Mojo returns to the animated universe of the X-Men, this time with a plan to trap Jubilee and Sunspot in a video game. Let's dig into his Marvel history.
Alyson Court opted not to voice Jubilee again in X-Men '97, letting Asian actor Holly Chou take over. But Court returned in episode 4 with a perfect guest role.
X-Men '97 sucks Jubilee and Sunspot into a video game created by Mojo, which allows for some great Easter eggs and references to real X-Men video games.
Cartoon Network rejected Craig McCracken's original pitch for The Powerpuff Girls. Luckily, his work on Dexter's Laboratory caught the eye of a wandering exec.
'Leviathan Wakes' is not just one of the best episodes of DC's animated Young Justice series, but it was also written by Kaldur voice actor Khary Payton.