Ed Wynn, who voiced Alice in Wonderland's Mad Hatter and eventually played Uncle Albert in Mary Poppins, was the star of The Twilight Zone's second episode.
The Office's season 5 episode 'Stress Relief' required a $12,000 fake cat for the show's hilariously chaotic cold open, thanks to Dwight's misguided fire drill.
Homer Simpson has frequently been a terrible husband to Marge on The Simpsons. But in a 2018 book, actress Julie Kavner explained why Marge has stayed with him.
Before Gilligan's Island creator Sherwood Schwartz pitched the comedy series to the folks at CBS, he pitched it to a gas station attendant - theme song and all.
The Acolyte isn't the best Star Wars show we've ever seen, but it absolutely does not deserve the Rotten Tomatoes review-bombing it's received from audiences.