Multiple new Star Trek series have been set around the original era, but characters from the animated series have yet to make live-action debuts. Why is that?
According to her colleagues, Beverly Crusher was fired from Star Trek: The Next Generation season 2 because of a producer who hated both her and her character.
Zapp Brannigan is inspired by Captain Kirk from Star Trek, and the latest episode of Futurama season 11 digs into that and the character's problematic nature.
A scrapped plot sequel from a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode focusing on Picard could have provided one of the most emotional moments in Trek history.
The Twilight Zone creator and narrator Rod Serling once feared being forgotten. Decades later, he's come to have a widespread influence on the sci-fi genre.
Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin got his start writing for the '80s reboot of the Twilight Zone, and without that opportunity, who knows where he'd be.
The original Planet of the Apes' legendary twist ending bears more than a passing resemblance to that of the Twilight Zone episode I Shot An Arrow Into the Air.
All the free tickets to see Ahsoka episode 5 in theaters have been claimed, but you can still join the waitlist to see the Star Wars series on the big screen.
Ahsoka episode 4, 'Fallen Jedi,' tips its hat to Akira Kurosawa's classic epic Seven Samurai on multiple occasions, and not just during the fight scenes either.
Ahsoka episode 4 forces Sabine to make a difficult choice that recalls Indiana Jones' not-so-great actions in a key scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark.
The Eye of Scion on Ahsoka might not be as powerful as the Death Star but what it lacks in world-destroying potential it makes up for in other qualities.