The Star Wars series Ahsoka on Disney+ introduced the new villains Captain Enoch and Grand Admiral Thrawn's Night Troopers, and now they're action figures.
Funko's fashion brand Loungefly is launching a new COLLECTIV line with high-end accessories, and they're kicking it off with stylish Star Wars and Loki gear.
The Walking Dead was responsible for a major delay of the first season of Star Trek: Discovery thanks to some gamesmanship impacting an actor on both shows.
Talk about a deep cut reference! The Futurama writers snuck a nod to an incredibly rare Star Wars toy -- the elusive Yak Face -- into one of their episodes.
The Dominion Wars led the creatives running Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to have behind the scenes battles about the spirit of what a Star Trek show should be.
After every season of "Star Trek: The Next Generation," Brent Spiner, who plays the fan-favorite android character Data, thought he would quit the series.