The now-streaming Netflix sequel The Platform 2 has a pretty big twist that most viewers will not see coming. We have the spoiler-filled details right here.
John Carpenter's The Thing solidified Kurt Russell's place in horror movie history, and it only took one word to help the actor understand his role as MacReady.
Men in Black director Barry Sonnenfeld took an...unconventional approach to asking for the money needed to change the film's ending from its initial version.
The director of Netflix's It's What's Inside once made a promo for the live-action Cowboy Bebop show, and it's bursting with the same creativity as the film.
James Remar (you may remember him as the guy who played Dexter's dad on Dexter) was originally cast as Hicks in Aliens. Here's why he wasn't in the movie.
The reason Men in Black works so well is because of the dynamic between Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. But on set, that dynamic initially wasn't quite right.
Comic readers could have had the opportunity to read a DC/Star Wars crossover that saw Superman facing off against Darth Vader. Here's why it didn't happen.