Oscar-winner Natalie Portman has been a major Hollywood presence for over 25 years, always reinventing herself. Here are her 15 greatest movies, ranked.
All About Eve earned 14 nominations at the Academy Awards, which is already a milestone in itself, but it's the acting nominations that make it stand out.
Between dramas, comedies, romances, musicals, biopics, horror, and action, Ewan McGregor has pretty much done it all. Here are his 15 greatest movies, ranked.
In this edition, watch the opening of Moonfall recreated in stop-motion LEGO animation, see the new Dune given a makeover with old school VFX, and more
"We choose to let the Moon crash into Earth in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." – John F. Kennedy (paraphrase)
We spoke with director Megan Park about making her feature directorial debut, striving for authenticity, and finding universal emotions in specific situations.