Bad news for The Marvels: the latest from the Marvel Cinematic Universe looks to be headed towards a less-than-great opening weekend at the box office.
Secret Invasion never really explained why Skrulls couldn't have a place of their own on Earth like New Asgard, and The Marvels actually rectifies that.
The Marvels mid-credits scene includes quite the surprise for longtime fans of the X-Men movies, but what does this mean for their place in the MCU's future?
Saw continues to be an unstoppable force at the box office, with Saw X bringing in more than $100 million in theaters. Who's ready to play another game?
The Marvels mixes no bones about giving Kamala Khan a critical role in the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and yes, it seems to include Young Avengers.
The Marvels connects Captain Marvel to the series Ms. Marvel and WandaVision, but here's a complete guide to everything you need to know about the ending.
Director Dave Green and John Cena's live-action/animated comedy Coyote vs. Acme is the latest film to be axed by Warner Bros. despite already being finished.
/Film sat down with Laura Karpman, the composer of The Marvels, to talk about finding the sound of the score, getting music out of 'space junk,' and more.
Anxiety (Maya Hawke) joins Joy and the other emotions in Riley's brain in the teaser trailer for Disney and Pixar's upcoming animated sequel Inside Out 2.
Warner Bros. was long the home that allowed Christopher Nolan to make his greatest films, but after their highly public falling out, can they reconnect?
/Film sat down with Mary Livanos, an executive producer of The Marvels, to talk about fitting the film into the MCU's continuity, its cosmic setting, and more.