In this edition, see what William Shatner thinks of different Captain Kirk impressions from over the years, watch a fight breakdown from Kate, and more.
Jackie Chan is one of the most talented and beloved martial arts stars ever, so you'd better believe he's been in some good fight scenes. These are his best.
The '00s were a watershed decade for horror movies, ushering in new franchises, new subgenres, and new, exciting filmmakers - and these are the 20 best.
Wes Anderson is one of the most unique filmmakers working today. Before the debut of The French Dispatch, here are all of his movies, ranked from worst to best.
Warner Bros. has hired Matthew López to write a "reimagining" of the 1992 blockbuster "The Bodyguard," which starred Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston.
If you only know the Martian Manhunter from Zack Snyder's Justice League, you're missing out on a lot. Here are 10 things you didn't know about J'onn J'onzz.
Check out this visual comparison between director Steven Spielberg's new version of West Side Story and Robert Wise's 1961 classic adaptation of the musical.
With over 30 films on his resume, there is no shortage of Steven Spielberg movies, but we're still sad we never got to see these projects on the big screen.