Let's take a closer look at the ending of the new AppleTV+ sci-fi film Finch and compare it to the filmmakers' original idea for a very different ending.
Movie-goers and the Oscars alike can't get enough of the British royals. If you're hankering for more after Spencer and The Crown, check these films out.
Here are /Film news desk writer Jeff Ewing's top 15 films of all time, which include movies by Bong Joon-ho, Guillermo del Toro, Alfred Hitchcock and more.
Only on the list of /Film news desk writer Lex Briscuso will you find a One Direction concert film next to the works of Stanley Kubrick and Todd Haynes.
Even the most beautiful actress and the most sumptuous production design couldn't stop the troubled production of Cleopatra from nearly destroying the studio.