Whether you're looking for a feel-good underdog story, a documentary exposing sports' seedy underbelly, or something else, Netflix has the sports movie for you.
After watching DaCosta's Candyman, you may be hungry for more Black horror, or horror that focuses on big cities and urban legends. We have some suggestions.
Is there any phrase in horror scarier than "based on true events?" Read on to learn more about the terrifying real stories behind these classic horror flicks.
Japanese horror films are their own kind of scary, combining elements of folklore with violence and nihilism. Watch these 28 movies to see what we mean.
There's more to horror flicks than blood, of course, but in the right hands. gore can be almost poetic. Here are the 10 goriest horror movies ever made.
There's a good chance that at least one family horror film scarred you for life. Hold your breath and see if the source of your personal trauma appears here.
The term might be new, but the final girl trope is almost as old as horror movies themselves. These are the 15 toughest survivors in horror film history.
In anime, the body can be bent, stretched, and ripped apart. Old creatures are realized in new, repulsive ways. Want to be scared? Watch these 15 horror movies.
The '00s were a watershed decade for horror movies, ushering in new franchises, new subgenres, and new, exciting filmmakers - and these are the 20 best.