Hollywood has long had a fascination with journalism; Nightcrawler is just the tip of the iceberg. For more critiques of modern media, watch these films.
Here are the top 15 films of /Film weekend editor Hannah Shaw-Williams, whose picks include films by the Coen brothers, Guillermo del Toro, and Taika Waititi.
Raimi directed the film, the Coens wrote it, and somehow it was a complete disaster. Here's why this just might be the first time you're hearing about it.
If you liked Nicolas Cage's Pig — one of 2021's best surprises — check out these other movies about isolation, life in nature, and unconventional friendships.
Do the Right Thing was an incendiary and vital film when it was released in 1989. Despite initial controversy over the film, it remains so to this day.
James Ward Byrkit's 2013 directorial debut, Coherence, is an impressive entry into the sci-fi genre that combines scientific principles with humanistic needs.