"Fargo" is a rare TV series that transcends its cinematic source material. From the darkly humorous to explosively violent, these are the best episodes, ranked.
Starring Milla Jovovich, the "Resident Evil" franchise is one of horror's highest-grossing franchises. Here, we explore its most controversial moments.
Part sitcom, part existential meditation, "The Good Place" was one of the most unusual TV shows ever. This is our countdown of the NBC comedy's best episodes.
Behind the most frightening monstrous threats in Marvel movies, there is a real human being.Here are what the scariest MCU villains look like in real life.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has its share of mind-bending scenes, but these moments from "The Avengers" films take the cake in the best way possible.
This year had some major box office disappointments in the same realm other films mined so successfully. Here are the biggest sci-fi flops of 2022 so far.
Although "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." ended two years ago, the underrated series is one of Marvel's strongest series. We explore the show's best and worst seasons.