Nobody plays a historical addict quite as well as Val Kilmer, and that's just one of his skills. From Top Secret! to Top Gun, these are his best films.
Whether you're looking for a feel-good underdog story, a documentary exposing sports' seedy underbelly, or something else, Netflix has the sports movie for you.
The Book of Boba Fett may be the bounty hunter's first lead role, but it's not the beginning of his tale. Here's what you need to watch to get the whole story.
After watching DaCosta's Candyman, you may be hungry for more Black horror, or horror that focuses on big cities and urban legends. We have some suggestions.
Is there any phrase in horror scarier than "based on true events?" Read on to learn more about the terrifying real stories behind these classic horror flicks.
Many successful movies get sequels whether they deserve them or not. Sure, we understand why these follow-ups were made — but maybe they shouldn't have been.
Quentin Tarantino's imagination knows no bounds. Just look at all these awesome projects that the director has discussed, but that we'll sadly never see.
As his filmography proves, James Cameron never backs down from a challenge — with varying results. From the bad to the good, here are all of his movies, ranked.
Ryan Reynolds is an actor whose familiarity is both chaotic and wildly comforting. You see those qualities in Free Guy, and you'll see 'em in these movies, too.
Japanese horror films are their own kind of scary, combining elements of folklore with violence and nihilism. Watch these 28 movies to see what we mean.
There's more to horror flicks than blood, of course, but in the right hands. gore can be almost poetic. Here are the 10 goriest horror movies ever made.
War documentaries, fantasy epics, and schlocky horror flicks — Peter Jackson has done it all. But what has he done best? These are all of his movies, ranked.