The Star Wars universe is full of lovable creatures, but droids are the heart of the entire saga. These are our 15 favorites, ranked from worst to best.
Curious how Netflix's Cowboy Bebop stacks up against the anime? We've gone through every episode to highlight the biggest differences between the two shows.
Death has rarely felt like it mattered in the MCU, but in the latest Hawkeye episode, its heroes finally grapple with the consequences of their actions.
Set your feelings about the finale aside; Game of Thrones wasn't ever about the ending, but the journey. These shows will take you on similar adventures.
Netflix made a big splash at the Oscars in 2021 and looks poised to do so again next year, thanks to the release of these 20 excellent original movies.
Like David Fincher's The Social Network, these biopics and historical dramas make complex material entertaining, and only feel more relevant as they age.
Bob Fosse's legacy is much bigger than his movies, but if you're looking to learn more about the revered choreographer and director, this is the place to start.
Howl's Moving Castle is a classic, but then again, so is every Hayao Miyazaki movie. Here's more of his work, as well as some other films with similar vibes.
The Clovehitch Killer takes a unique interest in how the families of serial killers are affected when they learn about their loved one's horrible crimes.