In a year as tough as 2021, animated films and television shows weren't just escapes. They provided catharsis. Check out our favorites, and see what we mean.
Disney is bringing Pinocchio back with another live-action adaptation of one of their beloved animated classics, and the cast for this one sounds pretty great.
Margot Robbie is one of Hollywood's biggest stars, and she's got plenty of new projects coming down the pipeline. Here are the movies to keep an eye on!
Disney's 1997 film Hercules contains an easter egg from the studio's 1994 animated classic The Lion King. But the implications of that reference are troubling.
Howl's Moving Castle is a classic, but then again, so is every Hayao Miyazaki movie. Here's more of his work, as well as some other films with similar vibes.
Christian Bale is about to head into the MCU as the villain in the new Thor sequel. But the former Batman actor has several other projects in the works, too.
If you're a big Denzel Washington fan, including his work as a director and a producer, these are all the upcoming projects you'll want to check out soon.