'Best Night Ever' Red-Band Trailer: 'Bridesmaids' Meets 'Spring Breakers', Via Friedberg And Seltzer

Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer have averaged roughly one release a year for the past several years, starting with 2006's Date Movie, but in 2013 we get to see not one but two of their outrageously broad spoofs. Hooray?


Hot on the heels of this month's The Hunger Games parody The Starving Games comes Best Night Ever, which takes on hard-partying flicks like BridesmaidsThe Hangover, and Spring Breakers. At the center of the story are four young women (played by Desiree Hall, Samantha Colburn, Eddie Ritchard, Crista Flanagan) who head to Vegas only to see things spiral completely out of control. Check out the NSFW red-band trailer after the jump.

Friedberg and Seltzer have never met a genre, trend, or hit movie that they didn't want to dump on, but in some ways the Best Night Ever seems especially pointless. At least The Hunger Games took itself seriously enough that seeing an Effie clone giggle at the phrase "Hugh Janus" in The Starving Games was something of a novelty, if not an especially hilarious one.


It's much harder to take the piss out of something like Bridesmaids or The Hangover or Spring Breakers, which are already pretty wild and funny to begin with. The original movies already include bridal salon diarrheal hijinks, bikini-clad gangsters, and Mike Tyson's pet tiger. Best Night Ever can't get much crazier than that without edging into NC-17 territory — and based on the trailer, it doesn't really even try. 

Best Night Ever lands on VOD December 26 and into theaters January 31.

Claire is about to get married and she goes to Las Vegas with her sister and two friends for her bachelorette party. Things quickly spiral out of control in this unforgettable, shocking, and uproariously funny new film from the producer of the Paranormal Activity franchise and the co-creators of Scary Movie.

