The Best Twitter Responses: 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Title Announcement
Warner Bros has announced the official title for Zack Snyder's Man of Steel follow-up will be titled Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. You can read more about that here. The responses from fans and critics have been overwhelmingly negative, and since some of them have been interesting or funny, I thought we'd take a look at the best of the bunch. Hit the jump to read some of the best Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice responses from twitter.
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Responses
Here is /Film's own Germain Lussier's response to the title announcement:
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Four ideas overstuffed into one title, so it's probably very fitting for the movie.
"Remove the 'S' from 'Versus,' it's cleaner." "But isn't it way more confusing?"
And here is /Film's own Russ Fischer's response:
"We saw how much people liked The Amazing Spider-Man 2" being a big ad for the third movie and thought, yeah, that's IT."
And this one comes from frequent /Filmcast co-host Jeff Cannata:
Instead of "Dawn of Justice", they could have gone with "We're Rushing to Catch Up". Well, that's sub-TEXT, not sub-title.
That comes after "Twilight of Truth" and before "Mid Afternoon of The American Way"
And some fan responses:
@slashfilm At least now we know the truth behind that #SadBatman pic. Warner Bros marketing had just shown him the new poster
— Neil Every (@NeilEvery) May 21, 2014
LOL. RT @philwrighthouse I'm pronouncing this Batman Five Superman.
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) May 21, 2014
Why is it that DC takes one step forward then two massive steps backwards?!
— Umberto Gonzalez (@elmayimbe) May 21, 2014
Feige and the rest of the Marvel clan must be in stitches right about now.
— Umberto Gonzalez (@elmayimbe) May 21, 2014
Does anyone out there like the title? Anyone?
— Borys Kit (@Borys_Kit) May 21, 2014
If there's anyone alive named "Dawn Justice," her day just got significantly shittier.
— Matt Singer / (@mattsinger) May 21, 2014
Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice leads me to think of the tagline "Whoever wins, we lose". The "we" being cinema audiences!
— Dallas King (@DallasKing1138) May 21, 2014
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – First half sounds like a legal filing, second half sounds like... what we already thought this movie was.
— Eric Goldman (@TheEricGoldman) May 21, 2014
Well, at least they've given the 'Batman v Superman' porn parody an easy title. #dongofjustice
— Mike Sampson (@mjsamps) May 21, 2014
WORLD'S FINEST: BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN would have been the best title, but this Game Gear title is what we get.
— Ethan Anderton (@Ethan_Anderton) May 21, 2014
We're all just sitting now, staring at each other in stunned silence. One man in a suit and bike helmet has tears running down his cheeks.
— Chris Hewitt (@ChrisHewitt) May 21, 2014
When referring to Dr. Strangelove, how often do you use it's entire title?
— Dan Trachtenberg (@DannyTRS) May 21, 2014
I win. You can all go home now.
— Frank Miller (@BestFrankMiller) May 21, 2014
— Robert Meyer Burnett, Viceroy of Verisimilitude (@RMBee) May 21, 2014
Today, someone at Fox is like, "Whew, thank god the heat is off us for that Kingsman bullshit."
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) May 21, 2014
But I haven't even seen BATMAN I-IV SUPERMAN.
— Colon Musk (Official) (@artboiled) May 21, 2014
Wait, I thought you guys were talking about a fan film. It's really called DAWN OF JUSTICE??
— Gee (@GabeTheShogun) May 21, 2014
BATMAN v SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE. Coming in September, to Lifetime Networks.
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 21, 2014
— Andy Rattinger (@Rattinger) May 21, 2014
— Ali Arikan (@aliarikan) May 21, 2014
Dawn of Justice #annmmartin
— principal slaytographer (@elleschneider) May 21, 2014
I can't believe "we" spent the morning tearing down a movie title rather than talk about how awesome that Star Wars clip is.
— Dan Trachtenberg (@DannyTRS) May 21, 2014