Lindsay Duke

Photo of Lindsay Duke
Denton, TX
University Of North Texas
Movies, TV
  • Lindsay has written screenplays for over ten years for contests and productions, and has also worked as a judge for several script competitions.
  • She co-hosted the "All in the Family Podcast," analyzing the classic show in the context of today's politics.
  • She spent six years working in live television closed captioning, making her an advocate for more accessibility across TV & film.


Lindsay has a lifelong passion for storytelling, which lead her to study film and television for the University of North Texas. After graduating, Lindsay competed and ranked in several screenplay writing contests, eventually shifting into a reader and judge role. She also worked as a story producer and screenwriter for Absurd Hero Productions. For six years, Lindsay worked for the National Captioning Institute as a closed captioner for live television, giving her a behind the scenes understanding of the accessibility industry. She now works for a university media library, curating their collection and hosting film events. In her free time, she raises a rowdy corgi puppy, plays D&D, and continues to work on her novel project.


Lindsay has a bachelor's degree in Radio/Television/Film and a minor in English from the University of North Texas, where she focused in film & TV screenwriting.
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Stories By Lindsay Duke