Robotech Movie Coming From Hawkeye Director Rhys Thomas
"Robotech," which was the American adaptation of three unrelated Japanese anime TV series edited into one, aired in the United States back in 1985. Though I was more of a "Battle of the Planets" sort of kid, I was certainly aware of it. In the series, an alien ship crashed on Earth, and humans used the technology to create giant mecha to battle an looming alien invasion. Though there were failed attempts to make a film version of the anime before, a new attempt has just nabbed a director. According to Deadline, Rhys Thomas, who directed three of the six episodes of Marvel's Disney+ series "Hawkeye," will helm the upcoming "Robotech" film for Sony Pictures from Mark Canton and Gianni Nunnari, with Harmony Gold's involvement.
The "Robotech" script comes to us from Marcum & Holloway. The rewrite reportedly comes from Brian Gatewood and Alessandro Tanaka, who brought us the feature film "Sharper" which went to Apple and A24 with Julianne Moore.
Fighting aliens with some found alien tech
I have to say, though I'm not familiar with "Robotech," I love the idea of Rhys Thomas directing anything. "Hawkeye," (all the episodes, not just his) is my favorite Marvel series. I think it was the only one so far that has kept itself self-contained and didn't feel like an advertisement for the next project. (I would include "Moon Knight" in this list, because I love it, but it hasn't finished yet.
"WandaVision" was amazing until the final episode fell apart.) I love how it took the entire MCU and all the huge things that have happened with it since the beginning, and let us see that on Clint Barton's (Jeremy Renner) face, while the fan enthusiasm and excitement showed on Kate Bishop's (Hailee Steinfeld). It's a story we've seen before, with an older hero mentoring a younger one, and despite that, it felt fresh, funny, and vital.
From what I know of "Robotech," using alien tech to create mechas is the main story, and that's something we've seen before. That said, if there's a fresh take on it, awesome! Go for it! Bring me animated mecha fights and I'm absolutely here for it. If you can add the funny (and Thomas worked on "Saturday Night Live," and "Documentary Now!," so he can), so much the better.