Cool Stuff: New 'Star Wars' Black Series And Vintage Collection Figures Dig Into The Clone Wars

Hot on the heels of the new Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker figures from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones coming to the Black Series line, another batch of figures inspired by the Battle of Geonosis will be coming in the spring of 2020 too. Count Dooku and a couple of Jedi Masters will be coming to shelves, as well as a different kind of Battle Droid.


On top of that, the Star Wars Vintage Collection (which is the only way that the classic style of 3.75 inch figures are being kept alive) will be adding some figures that will make fans of The Clone Wars animated series very happy too.

Check out the new 2020 Star Wars Black Series figures and Vintage Collection additions below.

Star Wars Black Series Figures - Spring 2020

Count Dooku has been a figure that fans have wanted to see added to the Black Series collection for awhile. And what's particularly cool about this figure is it will be coming with a lightsaber blade accessory that makes it look like the character is swinging his lightsaber. As far as I can tell, I believe this is the first time that a Black Series figure (or any basic figure) has come with that kind of lightsaber blade accessory.


On the light side, we have Black Series figures for Plo Koon and Kit Fisto, two of the Jedi Masters who fought in both Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. That Plo Koon comes with a rather questionable robe, but that Kit Fisto figure is outstanding. My only wish is that he came with an alternate face sculpt with that goofy smile on his face from Attack of the Clones.

And finally, there's a darker brown Battle Droid that can curl up into their storage position. I'm not sure anyone was clamoring for a different Battle Droid figure in the Black Series, but there are collectors out there who like to buy multiple figures like this to create diorama battle scenes.

Star Wars Vintage Collection Re-Releases for Spring 2020

It should be noted that these Vintage Collection figures aren't new. They've hit shelves before, but some collectors missed out on them and don't want to spend an arm and a leg tracking them down. That's why Hasbro has been re-releasing certain figures, like these Clone Wars versions of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. There's also a new standard Clone Trooper joining the line-up, complete with removable helmet.


2020 Star Wars Vintage Collection Figures

Some of the other re-releases for the Vintage Collection include Darth Maul and Wicket the Ewok, which you can see over at ToyArk. All of these figures and more were announced at at Barcelona Manga 2019 in Spain and Lucca Comics and Games Italian convention. They will be available sometime in spring 2020.

