The Morning Watch: How Realistic Are Shark Attacks In Movies, More 'Ready Player One' Easter Eggs & More
The Morning Watch is a recurring feature that highlights a handful of noteworthy videos from around the web. They could be video essays, fanmade productions, featurettes, short films, hilarious sketches, or just anything that has to do with our favorite movies and TV shows.
In this edition, find out how realistic the shark attacks we've seen in movies like Jaws over the years actually are. Plus, check out one of the most extensive lists of Ready Player One Easter eggs now that the movie is out on home video, and check out a discussion with Eighth Grade director Bo Burnham and young star Elsie Fisher.
First up, as part of Vulture's Expert Witness video series, George Burgess, director emeritus for the Florida Program for Shark Research, discusses whether the shark attacks that we see in movies are realistic. Find out how accurate the attacks from movies like Jaws and The Shallows actually are compared to how sharks really attack people and animals.
Now that Ready Player One is out on home video, CineFix can really dig into the amount of Easter eggs that are in the movie. Of course, it's hard to track down each and every one, but this video does a pretty good job of counting down some that you might not have spotted when watching the movie.
Finally, director Bo Burnham and teen actress Elsie Fisher participated in an Academy Conversation following a screening of the indie darling Eighth Grade back in July. Don't forget, you can see the movie for free tonight at participating theaters around the United States. Just head over here for more information.