'Detroit' Re-Release Trailer Makes An Oscar Push

Detroit was Kathryn Bigelow's first feature film since 2012's acclaimed Zero Dark Thirty, but the harrowing historical drama didn't seem to have nearly as big an impact as Annapurna Pictures had hoped. The film garnered middling box office and mixed reviews and seemed to have faded from everyone's memory after it left theaters. Now, sensing that this year's Oscar race is slightly underwhelming, Annapurna is giving Bigelow's film another chance with a re-release, and a new Detroit trailer has arrived to signal the new awards season push.


Made on a $34 million production budget, Detroit only took in $16,790,139 domestically (per Box Office Mojo), and while most reviews of the film were mixed, it ended up with a 82% on Rotten Tomatoes. It's safe to say that Detroit didn't have nearly as big an impact as the folks at Annapurna Pictures had hoped. Which is why they're likely giving the film another chance. With awards season right around the corner, Annapurna has perhaps sensed that this year's Oscar race has yet to produce a clear front-runner (Dunkirk, maybe?), and to take advantage of this, they're going to re-release Detroit into select theaters on December 1. They've even cut a new trailer, one that plays up the film's powerful nature. Watch it below.


Detroit re-release trailer

This trailer is monumentally better than the trailers that advertises the film's original theatrical run, and I can't help but think that, had they started out with this approach to begin with, the film might've been a bit more successful.


Kathryn Bigelow is the only female director to win Best Director at the Academy Awards, which is an outrageous statistic on its own – how is it even possible that in the entire history of film, only one female filmmaker has won the Best Director Oscar? Yet it also confirms how incredibly talented Bigelow is; a fantastic filmmaker who is unfortunately sporadic in her projects. Bigelow returned to feature filmmaking after five years to helm Detroit, a drama set against the 1967 Detroit riots.

Featuring a cast that includes John Boyega, Will Poulter, Algee Smith, Jacob Latimore, Jason Mitchell, Hannah Murray, Kaitlyn Dever, Jack Reynor, John Krasinski and Anthony MackieDetroit will hit also digital HD on November 28 and Blu-ray and DVD on December 12. Whether audiences will bother to go see the film in theaters on December 1 when they can just as easily stream the digital HD version or wait for the approaching Blu-ray remains to be seen.


