Burger King Is Trying To Ban Stephen King's 'It' In Russia For One Very Stupid Reason

Around the world, plenty of Hollywood movies get either banned or edited in order to meet certain strict censorship laws or adhere to cultural sensitivities. But this instance of Burger King's Russian division wanting to ban the recent adaptation of Stephen King's It might be the most ridiculous situation of this kind that we've ever seen.


Reportedly, Burger King has filed a complaint with Russia's Federal Anti-Monopoly Service (FAS) with the hope of having It banned in the country. Why? Well, they believe that the cannibal clown Pennywise at the center of the movie shares too much of a resemblance to Ronald McDonald, the mascot of McDonald's, and purport that the movie somehow acts as an advertisement for Burger King's fast food rival.

Find out more about why Burger King wants to ban It in Russia below.

The Hollywood Reporter delivered the ridiculous news about the attempted ban of It in Russia. The complaint is currently being evaluated, which means the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service will have to figure out whether the movie contains any advertising or product placement that overtly links McDonald's to the horror adaptation. Thankfully, Andy Muschietti's adaptation of Stephen King's classic novel doesn't look like this:


Why Burger King thinks a movie about a monster from space who masquerades as a murderous clown eating children would be a good tie-in for McDonald's is anyone's guess. The fast food chain even opted to have Ronald McDonald go away for a bit when a string of creepy clown-related activity was being carried out  but the fast food chain must be desperate to stay competitive with their fast food nemesis.

