'Batman V Superman' Ultimate Edition Trailer Reveals Tons Of Never-Before-Seen Footage

If the original cut of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice left you wanting more, then Warner Bros. Pictures and director Zack Snyder have a treat for you. A new cut of Batman v Superman is getting released this summer, and as we've previously heard, this Ultimate Edition of the movie will put 30 minutes of cut footage back into the movie, some of which is so violent that it has earned an R-rating.


Now the first Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition trailer has arrived, showing tons of new footage, including glimpses of new supporting characters, including Jena Malone as Barbara Gordon, and more action for the Man of Steel (Henry Cavill) and the Dark Knight (Ben Affleck). Watch it below.

Here's the Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition trailer from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment:

Some of the new footage on display includes more footage from the Batman warehouse rescue, some new shots of Doomsday fighting our superheroes, a longer ending and an extremely different version of the North Africa sequence. That latter scene might actually make more sense with the new footage in the movie. We'll have to watch the new cut to see if this replaced footage helps with any of the movie's shortcomings. If you want to know about all the unseen footage on display, Collider has a detailed rundown of what's new.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition arrives on Ultra HD Blu-ray, standard Blu-ray and DVD on July 19th, along with the theatrical cut, but it will arrive on Digital HD much earlier on June 28 along with the theatrical cut of the movie. The Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack, Blu-ray Combo Pack, and Blu-ray 3D Combo Pack all feature both the theatrical and Ultimate Edition versions, while the DVD only includes the theatrical version of the film. However, all of those versions will have these special features:

  • Uniting the World's Finest
  • Gods and Men: A Meeting of Giants
  • The Warrior, The Myth, The Wonder
  • Accelerating Design: The New Batmobile
  • Superman: Complexity & Truth
  • Batman: Austerity & Rage
  • Wonder Woman: Grace & Power
  • Batcave: Legacy of the Lair
  • The Might and the Power of a Punch
  • The Empire of Luthor
  • At least Warner Bros. isn't trying to screw over customers by making them buy two separate copies of the movie. That would be a pretty sneaky move so they could get their money's worth out of the alternate cut, but there are plenty of fans who will buy this movie no matter what, so it probably wasn't worth pissing off some of the other customers.

    Will you check out Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition?

