What Could 'Toy Story 4' Be About? Your Pitches Revealed!
Toy Story 4 will be in theaters June 16, 2017 and fans are incredibly excited. Or mad. You see, Toy Story 3 had such a perfect, beautiful ending that many fans though the franchise was over and should never be touched again. A perfect trilogy. Series co-creator, and director of Toy Story 4 John Lasseter, agrees with you.
"Toy Story 3 ended Woody and Buzz's story with Andy so perfectly that for a long time, we never even talked about doing another Toy Story movie," he said in a press release. "But when Andrew [Stanton], Pete [Docter], Lee [Unkrich, director of TS3], and I came up with this new idea, I just could not stop thinking about it. It was so exciting to me, I knew we had to make this movie—and I wanted to direct it myself."
So what was this amazing, groundbreaking, wow idea that made Pixar try to top one of the highest grossing and most critically acclaimed animated films of all time? We don't know (though Lasseter did tease it's a love story in another interview) but we're going to try and figure out.
We took to Twitter to ask you, the /Film readers, for your ideas. Oddly enough lots of them fell into similar categories. For example, many of you felt the film would have something to do with new technology. The Toy Story films have usually ignored that. Or maybe something to do with Disney synergy, bringing in Marvel or Star Wars characters.
Nevertheless, the ideas were plentiful and, below, we grabbed a whole bunch of Toy Story 4 plot pitches for you to check out.
Here are the Toy Story 4 plot pitches with a digital spin:
@slashfilm #ToyStory2147: Woody awakens to a world where physical toys are no more, and all children play in realistic virtual worlds.
— S-M Robinson (@sunoxen) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm The onset of sentient 3D printed toys set to ruin the lives of Woody and the gang.
— Benjamin Gorman (@benjgorman) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm The gang stumbles upon an Old Arcade and meets up with Wreck It Ralph. Hilarity and life lessons ensue.
— A Tribe Called Reg (@regthedon1) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Toys dont get played with enough because kids are playing video games instead. Enlist the help of a Master Chief
— BarryBlankenship (@BarryTheArtGuy) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Disney Infinity 4.0 the movie. Woody and Buzz interact with Skylander figures with cameos from Amiibo
— Anthony Roman (@NoItsRoman) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm 3Dprinted Woody is introduced to the gang. He's shiny, new, and soulless. Over time, OG Woody teaches him what it is to be real.
— 🦖🦖🦖 mike boyce 🦖🦖🦖 (@mikeboyceesq) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm toys develop carpentry skills, ability to create other toys. Power goes to heads, think they're gods. New toy Creations revolt
— David "Ad Dad" Teicher (@Aerocles) November 6, 2014
And here are the Toy Story crossovers with other Disney properties:
@slashfilm The exact same plot from the Avengers just with the characters from Toy Story. Replace loki with lotso
— JOEmyrr Gibbs (@ungerjos) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm End Credits scene: RDJ-voiced Iron Man toy tells Buzz and Woody he's putting a team together and they're invited
— Dad The Savage (@DadTheSavage) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Toys from a new space movie join the group. Buzz is excited til he finds they're different from him...laser swords and a Force?
— Ron Seoul-Oh (@RonSeoulOh) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm The Toy Story gang joins forces with Marvel and Star Wars figures for an important heist — to steal batteries for dying toys.
— Sean Ludwig (@seanludwig) November 6, 2014
Some of you even want the series to reboot and use all new toys:
@slashfilm Buzz Lightyear and Star Command are rebooted and the gang has to fight the new line of figs for control of the neighborhood
— Derick Armijo (@DerickArmijo) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Woody comes face to face with a newly reissued, updated, so "hip" he's lame Woody doll.
— Jeff Yorkes (@JeffYorkes) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm okay. How about this. ToyStory4 – Recharged !!! #cantcount
— Andi Blair (@ANDIBLAIR1492) November 6, 2014
But what about pitches that don't fit into a box?
Here are a bunch of the rest including my personal favorite, mine:
@slashfilm They finally get discovered as alive. Become worldwide celebrities. Other toys everywhere mad at them for revealing the secret.
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Bonnie's mother remarries and it's Sid! He's turned his life around (or has he?). His son from a previous marriage is an asshole
— melanism (@Melanism) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Woody has the opportunity to morph into a human, forcing him to assess his loyalties and question his existence as a toy.
— Norm Schrager (@MeetInTheLobby) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Andy becomes crazy toy collector who is obessed with getting his toy collection back at any cost.
— Kyle In Ohio (@KDN1692) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Buzz and Woody discover why toys can talk and move : they are all fucking demons and start to kill every human on earth.
— Captain Marv (@CaptainMarv) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Bonnie plans a wedding between Woody and a new obnoxious Princess character and Buzz and the other toys have to stop it.
— Joey Aucoin (@Joeyaucoin) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Buzz finally makes contact with Star Command, discovers he was in a simulation the entire trilogy
— Texas Carnivore (@ninjabugmoney) November 6, 2014
.@slashfilm #ToyStory4 Molly goes on plane trip & toys tag along. Luggage mix up lands gang in London/Paris. Must find a a way to get home.
— Ian Glaubinger™ (@hasUnow) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm What will happen? Bonnie becomes a rebellious teen and loses interest in the toys? Causing Woody and Buzz to become jaded.
— Shelby (@disney__tasthic) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm the toys worry for their place as their owner ages. a few get separated outside, then rescued. the toys learn to accept change.
— Charles McLaud (@CarHaulsPickLaw) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Andy's father returns to find his living soul catching dolls have been given away, goes on taken style pursuit to retrieve them.
— Giovanni Rodriguez (@GioDudez) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm new toys, new family, new adventures, new trilogy.
— Paul Jeremiah Hayes (@pauljeremiah) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Andy's Funeral gets visited by some old friends AND YODA TOYS
— marc (rocko) (@_mightymarc_) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Bonnie hits puberty – and Buzz and Woody are all yucked out by her ladybizness. I think Pixar can pull this one off.
— Dayan Ballweg (@DayanBallweg) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm buzz and woody have to go against there greatest for yet : roomba
— That Mario Rivera (@ThatMarioRivera) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Buzz is ACTUALLY a space hero who was miniaturized and confused with a toy. They have to figure out how to return him to space.
— Lon Harris (@Lons) November 6, 2014
Toy Story 4 logline: Buzz, Woody and the rest of the toys help a lonely, awkward college-aged Andy fight for ethics in gaming journalism
— Tom Ganjamie (@tomgam) November 6, 2014
TOY STORY 4: Andy works in an office, has knick-knacks (inspired by his vintage toys) on his desk. But when he goes to lunch... @slashfilm
— Lon Harris (@Lons) November 6, 2014
@slashfilm Woody and Buzz must go back in time to stop Pixar from making Toy Story 4.
— Lukas Ridge (@LukasRidge) November 6, 2014
So what do you think John Lasseter and his Toy Story 4 team are talking about in this image? Tell us in the comments below.