Super-Villain Comedy Short 'Henchmen: Ill-Suited' Gets Feature Treatment
The lives of super-villains have been explored in animated films such as The Incredibles, Despicable Me, and MegaMind. Now Adam McKay, Will Ferrell (who voiced MegaMind), and their company Gary Sanchez are guiding the feature adaptation of a short film set in a city of super-villains. Henchmen will expand and revamp the story from the Bron Studios short Henchmen: Ill Suited, which premieres this week at SIGGRAPH 2014.
In the short, a janitor at a museum of villainy accidentally activates the armor of a noted bad guy, and then nearly lays waste to the entire place. The film will keep some of that concept, but expand it significantly. Watch Henchmen: Ill Suited below!
First, watch the long teaser for the short that inspired development of the feature:
Deadline reports that Gary Sanchez is targeting 2016 as a release for the film. The site also says,
The synopsis for the feature-length adaptation suggests there will still be a hapless young twerp in a super suit, but will also focus on a "fallen henchman" named Hank overseeing a "motley crew of blue-collar workers in the Union of Evil." The "risk-nothing" sentiments of Hank are challenged when he must become a hero and rescue the kid in the suit and the missing woman he loves.
Gary Sanchez and Bron Studios have worked together before, on Welcome To Me, the film premiering soon at TIFF that stars Kristen Wiig.