New Legendary Website Reveals 'Seventh Son' Concept Art
Jeff Bridges trains an apprentice in the ways of dark magic to fight an evil witch played by Julianne Moore...and I'm sold. That's the plot to Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures' Seventh Son, directed by Sergei Bodrov (Mongol) and written by Matt Greenberg, Charles Leavitt and Steve Knight from the book The Spook's Apprentice by Joseph Delaney. It just went into production aimed at a February 8, 2013 release date and Legendary revealed a new piece of concept art from the film on the occasion of the launch of their new website.
Check it out in all its glory, as well as read the official plot description of the film – which also stars Ben Barnes, Olivia Williams and Kit Harington – after the break.
Thanks to the Legendary Pictures website for the below image.
Very beautiful and evocative to be sure. It's a step up from what Legendary showed at Comic-Con last July, which looked kind of similar but didn't quite capture a mood like the above image does.
Here's the official plot description of the film.
In a time long past, an evil is about to be unleashed that will reignite the war between the forces of the supernatural and humankind once more. Master Gregory (Jeff Bridges) is a knight who had imprisoned the malevolently powerful witch, Mother Malkin (Julianne Moore), centuries ago. But now she has escaped and is seeking vengeance. Summoning her followers of every incarnation, Mother Malkin is preparing to unleash her terrible wrath on an unsuspecting world. Only one thing stands in her way: Master Gregory.
In a deadly reunion, Gregory comes face to face with the evil he always feared would someday return. Now he has only until the next full moon to do what usually takes years: train his new apprentice, Tom Ward (Ben Barnes) to fight a dark magic unlike any other. Man's only hope lies in the seventh son of a seventh son.
Sounds cool to me. What do you think?