'Juan Of The Dead' Trailer: An Insane Looking Cuban Horror Film
I would rip off someone's jaw to see Juan of the Dead right now. That's how cool this first trailer is for what Latino Review calls "Cuba's 1st Horror Film" is. Written and directed by Alejandro Bruges, Juan of the Dead takes place 50 years after the Cuban Revolution, where the island is overrun by zombies the government swears were sent by the United States. Social commentary aside, it's then up to one man to attempt to solve the problem. Part Shaun of the Dead (obviously) but with a grittier look more akin to something culty and cool like Six-String Samurai, you've gotta see this bad-ass trailer for Juan of the Dead.
Thanks to Latino Review for exclusively premiering this trailer. It looks insane.
And here's the poster for the film:
In the Latino Review story, Bruges describes the movie as follows:
It's a zombie film but it's about Cubans and how we react in the face of a crisis because we've had a lot of them here over the last 50 years. It is a social comedy, it has a bit of everything. It has horror, it has action and it pretty much laughs in the face of problems.
You certainly get the sense of the blend of humor, violence and social commentary in the trailer. Plus it seems like, on a relatively limited budget, Bruges was able to pull off some really impressive and innovative effects shots. I love the slingshot shot, the jaw ripping and the part where it seems like they're jumping on top of the zombie's heads. Plus, how sweet-looking is that car?
After watching that trailer, I'm dying to see this movie. Apparently, it's set to hit the festival circuit in the coming months. Fantastic Fest anyone?