'The Governator' Trailer: "I'm Back!"
Over the past few days we've been trying to come to terms with the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger's first entertainment project since returning to private life will be a cartoon superhero series called The Governator. (Which will also get a 3D feature film incarnation, as revealed this morning.)
Now there is a trailer for the animated series, and it has a guest appearance from Larry King (kids love and respect him!) and is partially set to 'Pump It' by the Black Eyed Peas. Check it out below. Yes, The Governator is pretty much exactly what you expect it to be.
At last, Arnie stars in that Captain Planet knock-off of which he's always dreamed. He's got a version of Kaneda's bike from Akira, does a little Matrix limbo, and is incarnated as a superhero that doesn't really seem to have anything to do with governing, despite being called the Governator. That latter point is probably for the best. He's back! Yay?
[via EW]