Live Action 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Intro

In Hollywood, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles seem to be one of those trends that come and go. They stay in the sewer for years, then pop up with a new movie, then go away again, then pop up with another movie (still rumored to be on track for 2012). But on the internet, where the world comes together, the Turtles never really die.


Though they originally gained popularity as toys, most of us came to know and love the Turtles based on their hit cartoon show that ran from 1987-1996. Sure the original live action movies certainly hold a place near and dear to our hearts, but there's something about that show. Something about that theme song. Something that almost makes you ... want to reenact it shot by shot with your friends. See what we mean after the jump.

Thanks to Vulture we have this incredible video that a group of guys made for a talent show "in about a week." They made a live action, shot by shot remake of the opening title sequence of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. You can find out a little more about them on their YouTube page and in the info for this video.


Watching this brought back so many memories and questions. First of all, I was kind of frightened that after all these years, I still remember every single lyric to this song. I also never noticed that the show's title sequence actually had a lot of similar shots of the Turtles jumping into camera. Then I began to wonder, which shot do you think was the most difficult shot to obtain? Obviously these guys story boarded this entire video and toiled over several shots. My guess is "Donatello does machines" just because they had to find and shoot in a factory or classroom that's not easily accessible.

What do you think of this video? Are these guys total tools or your heroes?

