New Teaser Trailer: The People Vs. George Lucas
Last night the full feature line-up for the 2010 SXSW Film Festival was announced, which includes the premiere of the Star Wars fan documentary The People vs. George Lucas. With that announcement, we have also been given a new teaser trailer, embedded after the jump.
Official Information from the producers:
THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS explores the titanic struggle between a Godlike filmmaker and his legions of fans over the most popular franchise in movie history. "At its core, PvsG is the examination of a high-profile, dysfunctional love story", says Philippe. "George created this humongous and intricate sandbox for us to play in; but is he the sole owner of it, or does it now belong to the ages? And what happens to your role as a creator when your audience claims it owns your art? We basically looked at the conflicted dynamic between George and his fans from a cultural perspective, and asked ourselves those questions."
The documentary features key testimonies from the likes of Gary Kurtz (Producer of AMERICAN GRAFFITI, STAR WARS and THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK), Neil Gaiman (THE SANDMAN, AMERICAN GODS), Dave Prowse (aka Darth Vader), Anthony Waye (Executive Producer of the BOND franchise), and Dale Pollock (George Lucas's Biographer, Author of SKYWALKING).
THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS inventively combines these exclusive interviews with fan footage from around the globe, and impassioned testimonies from George's staunchest fans and foes. "Making this film was a huge investigative challenge, considering how many people were afraid to talk to us. George is a very powerful man. But we stuck to our guns and dug deep to deliver a completely uncensored, no-holds-barred factual account, and, ultimately, what we hope will be recognized as a loving tribute," says DoP Robert Muratore.
"The obstacles we faced made us really think about the rapidly changing filmmaking landscape, and so we used digital technology to facilitate an open call for contributions – allowing us to make a fully participatory documentary", says Producer Anna Higgs, known for cross-platform work in the UK and Europe. "In many ways, it's a tribute to the YouTube generation, which Lucas's advances in technology helped create," points out Producer Kerry Roy; "fundamentally, it's about how new media interacts with old media, as well as ownership and copyright in the digital age; and it was our intent from day one to give the fans a prevailing voice in the doc."
The crew worked relentlessly for two and a half years to produce the most accurate, thorough, and impartial deconstruction of an entire generation's love-hate for the man (admittedly) responsible for their childhood's mythos; and they acknowledge that this project wouldn't have been possible without the extraordinary support and encouragement from the fans and contributing filmmakers. "63,686 frequent flier miles, 634 hours of footage, 14TB of drive space, 126 interviews, 719 fan submissions, thousands of fan emails, and only three death threats. The positives outweigh the negatives, I suppose," jests Producer Vanessa Philippe. "We were driven by our own admiration for George, profound love of his films, obsession for their significance in popular culture, and opinions about their legacy as cultural milestones," says Alexandre Philippe.
The new teaser trailer:
The old teaser trailer: