Geek Deal: Pixar's Up, Cars, And Monsters Inc On Blu-Ray For $36
Amazon is offering one hell of a deal on Pixar Blu-rays. Basically, you can get the Up 4-disc DVD/Digital/Blu-ray combo pack, Monsters, Inc 4-disc DVD/Digital/Blu-ray combo pack, and Cars 1-disc Blu-ray for only $36.47 with free super saver shipping. That would be a great price for normal Blu-ray releases, nevermind 4 disc packs, and nevermind the usually overly expensive Disney Blu-ray releases. Here is how you get the price. Click here and put a check in the boxes for the three movies. Click Add to Cart. During checkout, enter the code PIXARBLU, which should bring the total to $36.47. I'm not sure how long this deal will be good for, so get it while you can. Thanks to /Film reader Ray E for the tip.