Kill Bill The Whole Bloody Affair: New Anime Sequence At Last Completed, And More...
As Inglourious Basterds draws ever closer (get excited now), Quentin Tarantino is out doing the promotional rounds. At an event in Beverly Hills yesterday he was asked about the upcoming special edition releases of two of his past projects and Sci-Fi Wire got the quotes.
So, what has happened to Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair? It seems that the DVD release really is coming ever closer, and work continues on the film all the while. Could we have this thing in our hands soon? Here's the man himself:
I'm not going to monkey around with the movie itself, but we've actually done a whole new section for the anime as the last thing . I actually wrote a much longer script for the anime section during O-Ren's revenge chapter... I had the whole script written out shot for shot what it would be, so [I said], "Harvey, this literally would make it complete. This is everything I came up with and wrote when I wrote it." So Production IG just did it, and I just need to work with them a little bit and go over it with them—and I'll do that once this is officially behind me.
Yep, they've already done it. Production IG and Tarantino fans rejoice.
Now, unless he needs to overhaul their work this means Tarantino has finally put together the Kill Bill he originally intended. That Blu-Ray sounds like one of the best Christmas gifts I can imagine.
That's not the only Tarantino project to be cut in two however, with the current DVD releases of Grindhouse in most of the world splitting the double bill apart (not to mention many of the theatrical releases). Is that one about to be reconstituted too? Not right now, no:
We've just been lazy getting around to Grindhouse, the full edition.
He admits it. And the inference is, of course, that he'll get round to it in due course. I'm setting my expectations for 2015.
The lack of talk about the once-touted anime spin-offs from Kill Bill suggest that even Tarantino isn't thinking much about them any more. A real shame, frankly, because he's still not making films fast enough, even with a knock-em out Grindhouse attitude or the ticking clock of Cannes hanging over his head.
I wish more filmmakers ran on Woody Allen time.