Deadgirl Trailer

Marcel Sarmiento and Gadi Harel's Deadgirl is already available on DVD in the UK but still awaiting cinema release in the US. Ahead of its bow in 'limited engagement' from July 24, Bloody Disgusting have received a top quality bootleg leak of the trailer which you can see below the break. If you want to catch the picture in cinemas, there's a list of it's currently scheduled engagements also at the site.The film is essentially a zombie picture, as the trailer will reveal. Not the typical zombie picture, mind. It revolves around two young men who find a woman chained up in an abandoned asylum and, upon discovering that she's undead, wonder just how they might enjoy (read: exploit) her.Trent Haaga was the scriptwriter for Deadgirl. Previously, he's acted, written and produced (as well as made sandwiches, driven cars, rubbed shoulders and all that stuff) for Troma productions. He's a bona fide cult figure and, for me, the real draw here. Alongside, of course, his killer concept.I don't think this will count as a spoiler, but those of you feeling nervy about the possibility might want to click on to another story now. Jenny Spain, who plays the titular dead girl, doesn't have a single line of dialogue in the film but it is her performance that has drawn the most acclaim. Slowly decaying via more and more extreme make-ups as the picture moves on, and charged with being a victim of some rather extreme bad behaviour it can't have been a fun role to play. On the other hand, it is very often these relatively showy roles, gimmicked parts, that get the attention. I hope she's done a great job and lives up to the hype. I'm just going to have to go out and get the DVD now, aren't I? Want a review?


