Michel Gondry's American Airlines Commercials

Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Be Kind Rewind) recently directed a series of television commercials for American Airlines starring Kevin Spacey. The spots which are promoting the airline's business class service feature actual planes instead of the expected cardboard and masking tape created sets.


Actually, all three spots are surprisingly generic. And by generic, I mean, like normal advertisements for an airline, and not something you'd expect from Gondry. Which says more about the business of making commercials than anything else. Check out all three commercials after the jump. And of course, I'm kidding — I didn't actually expect sets made out of cardboard.

[flv:http://bitcast-a.bitgravity.com/slashfilm/trailers/americanairlinesgondry2.flv 470 200]

[flv:http://bitcast-a.bitgravity.com/slashfilm/trailers/americanairlinesgondry3.flv 470 200]

[flv:http://bitcast-a.bitgravity.com/slashfilm/trailers/americanairlinesgondry1.flv 470 200]

