Giant Transformer Is Only ONE Constructicon? Devastator Is Going To Be MASSIVE

You remember that HUGE Decepticon that little ol' Optimus Prime was hanging off of at the end of the new Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Super Bowl television spot (if you haven't seen it, watch it NOW)?

Well Transformers fans are pretty much in agreement – what you saw was only ONE of the Constructicons — a group of Decepticons that merge together to form a GIGANTIC Robot named Devastator. It has been rumored that he will be made up of 5-9 different Constructicons. So if that is truly only one of the said Constructicons, this means that Devastator is going to be MASSIVE. So imagine a Transformer nine times bigger than the Decepticon that you saw at the end of the Super Bowl teaser. After the jump I will present the evidence, including a possible photo of the actual toy version of the Constructicon in question.

Lets take a look at the evidence. A couple weeks ago one, photos of one of the new constructicons found their way onto

The unnamed Transformer which has been referred to as the figure's alt mode: "Steam Shovel" appears to look exactly like the Transformer at the end of the Super Bowl clip. TFW2005 user yizhi521 has even posted an image of the toy with a Legends Of Cyberton series Optimus Prime hanging on to the figure, and it looks very much to scale. I'm not sure about you guys, but the image below looks a lot like the huge transformer shown at the end of the teaser.