Seth Rogen Says No To SuperBad 2, Yes To Pineapple Express 2

When I talked to Jonah Hill a few weeks before SuperBad was released last year, I asked about a possible sequel. Hill responded "We talked about it. But also like the movie hasn't come out yet. No one could go see it, and the talk would instantly go away of there being a sequel."


And of course, SuperBad was a big hit, grossing over $169 million worldwide and who knows how much on DVD. So what are the chances we'll get a SuperBad 2? Seth Rogen told moviehole that the studio has been after them to do a sequel ever since the film was released nearly a year ago, but they've ultimately decided not to make a sequel.

"They're been wanting us to do a sequel to Superbad for so long – but we've held off," Rogen said. "We eventually said No."

But Rogen isn't against the idea of sequels all together, adding that he would love to make another Pineapple Express if all goes well.

"If it did well, and they gave us like $50 million dollars, as opposed to the $26M we got for this one, we could benefit from that."


And from what I've heard, Pineapple Express is already tracking pretty high. Everyone I know who has seen it has told me that people are going to love it. And I'm sure Sony will be asking for a sequel after opening weekend.

