A Spoiler Regarding Two Face, And Halloween Costumes For The Dark Knight And Joker
Over at SHH, a tipster sent in pics of Halloween costumes and masks from a Las Vegas showcase for The Dark Knight, including those pretty friggin' eerie Heath Ledger/Joker masks above. Halloween 2008 just got a helluva lot scarier imagining six year old hooligans giggling down darkly lit streets in those things. Also, the tipster supposedly received a spoilerish reason for the lack of Two Face costumes. After the hop, we have the spoiler (I'd rank it a 6 out of 10) and two big photos of the get-ups...
Discuss: Did the spoiler bum you out a little? Would you go as The Joker for Halloween?
Spoiler: The tipster says someone in the know at the showcase told him...
They said he's only in the movie for a couple minutes so no Two-Face. It seems like Two-Face will only be in the movie towards the end only to set up part 3.
If true, that's not a huge surprise but I was personally hoping for more Face time.