First Look: The Smurf Movie

With Hollywood running short on ideas, Paramount greenlit a computer animated movie based on the classic trippy 80's cartoon series The Smurfs (Truth is that the Smurfs are actually 50 years old, having first appeared in comic strips).

The first images from this upcoming big screen computer animated adaptation appeared in the Happy Smurfday Euro Tour, planned to coincide with the Smurf's 50th birthday. We've composited the photos found on MushroomVillage (via ComingSoon) to bring you one big panoramic photo (as it was originally presented). Click on the photo above to enlarge.

There is also footage in a news report video on which shows artists working on the new movie. Check out some stills below.

Smurf Movie Footage

Discussion: Would you pay $9 to relive your childhood and see The Smurf Movie on the big screen?