Cool Stuff: LEGO Mindstorm WALL-E Robot
This WALL-E LEGO Mindstorms robot was the winning entry for the NXTLOG Back to School Building Challenge. The completed creation will scan a classroom floor for litter and rubbish, pick them up and put it in its belly and crush them. It uses an ultrasonic sensor to detect rubbish. The most impressive part: the winning team consisted of an adult supervisor, and three kids (aged 7, 11, and 13).
Watch the GIF video after the jump to see the WALL-E Lego robot clean up some trash (if it doesn't load, click on the image to have the gif load in a new window).
"It is not perfect – but you can just about see it move using the tracks and stop when it identifies an object with the Ultrasonic sensor. It then verifies it is rubbish ... and ten open the crusher trap, use the arms to push the rubbish into its belly and close the crusher and then move on."
Check out more photos below.
via: UpcomingPixar