My Blueberry Nights Movie Trailer
At last year's Cannes My Blueberry Nights, the first English film from 2046's Kar Wai Wong, drew a memorably tepid critical response, with songstress Norah Jones's performance taking lots of the heat and sleet. Based on what I've heard from friends who have seen it, it has the potential to become the new Across the Universe, dazzling females with its kinetic, trippy color palette and a "go with it" romantic sensibility that inspires repeat viewings and cherished teary exits. I don't mean to come off sexist, obviously many a male is fond of Wong's work, but I like to see girls all secret-chatty when some sweet and sour cinema strikes a chord beyond logic. The trailer sort of runs over with semi-cliche longing and gloom, but seen through the film's magic sunglasses I find myself still anticipating it, finally, almost a year later. And that Natalie Portman...I mean, what an accent.
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My Blueberry Nights will be released in North America on February 22nd.